Saturday, September 22, 2007


I am sick of talking about my job, though that seems to be the only thing that is going on lately. It is still a huge transition that I am slowly processing. It's actually taken a lot longer than normal job changes, and it is a lot harder too. But I am sure you are all so deathly sick of me talking about my job.

So. Chris is doing well. He is still attending NA every week, twice a week as court-ordered, and I am loving my free time when he is gone. This is sounding like a strange update to my life, and I guess it is. When nothing else is going on, I have nothing to give but updates!

My friend got engaged last night, does that matter to anyone? I don't know. I will stop boring you now. It's a good thing nothing is going on because that means no drama in my life. But it's also a bad thing because you are all bored with my life. Hah.


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

No drama is good! Just sit back and enjoy your free time surfing around on that new hard drive! ;)

joy said...

Life with an addict will never be boring for long...even an addict in recovery.

Addicted to no one said...

sometimes nothing is better then somthing

Recovery Discovery (R) said...

not bored. relating with the new job stuff