Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What Happened

The interview went fine, I believe. I was hardly nervous - I have found I am barely nervous about anything these days. I was only afraid I wouldn't get it. However, I was not scared of the interview process.

I already have a job so I knew that if I failed at getting this job, I could not be disappointed for not having a job because I still do!

It was a dark orange/red brick building that had defintely seen better days. I would also say that it must have at one time been a factory. I got there early and made my way upstairs. I walked.

I was wearing a professional suit, but the weather here is incredibly hot (as it is most places, I believe!) and thankfully, she said I could take off my suit coat. I met with two women.

Social work interviews are the worst. You have to answer a series of situational questions. One that I can remember goes like this: "A child has been living with their foster parents for quite some times now. He/she loves living there and has transitioned smoothly. The foster parents would like to adopt, but the child would not like to be adopted. What are some of the possible reasons for this?"

How nervewracking! The questions were not for specific answers but broad ones. My experience with children is vast, but certainly not in the foster or adoption system. I did not want to seem foolish. I did not want to seem like I knew nothing.

We will see. They are hiring 4 or 5 individuals. That is good news. I am excited for that. However, I still worry that I do not have enough qualifications for the position. I did tell them that I was planning on going back to school and that I was almost done with my state certification.

I will find out within a week and a half, they said. They told me not to worry if I do not hear back from them soon. I took that as a good thing, that they liked me, but I do not want to get my hopes too far up.

So that, Amy, :) is what happened.


Amy said...

Sounds like you did great. It would be even better if you landed a job that would pay part/all of your master's level courses so you could go p/t, chip away at them and not amass much debt in the process. That is what my step daughter is looking for - a job that will fund some of your masters'.
If you don't get this one, keep your eyes open - another will come.
You went for it, you felt good about what you did and you grew in the process. GOOD FOR YOU!
(and thanks for sharing.)

A.N. said...

Yes, this position has tuition reimbursement so eeeh! Fingers crossed!!

Thank you!! And I see that you are starting a blog!! Can't wait!

Addicted to no one said...

Good luck you seem like a reallt great person and like you deserve it!!